The Stableness Project

Will Work for Stability

The One About the Necessity of Sleep for Stability


If you live to 92 approximately 32 yrs. of that will be spent sleeping?  1/3!  1/3!  That’s an insane statistic.

I’ve been thinking a lot about sleep since one of my 1st resolutions was to go to bed by 10pm (then 10:30am) & to wake up at the same time everyday to help set my body clock.  Ever since I started a new position in July, I’ve been more tired than ever, had a harder time putting myself to sleep, had a harder time waking up, and practically falling asleep at my desk come 3:45pm and have been more addicted to stimulants like coffee & Diet Coke.

The following TEDx Talk convicted me AGAIN that I need to get my ‘ish in order, sleepwise.  I believe my lack of sleep -plus a good amount of insomnia complicating all this- has led to the crap-ton of mess in my house, which as you know can lead to anxiety.  For all these reasons, I’ll be pursuing healthy sleep habits for the duration of my SP!

Watch this great TEDx talk OR -like me- you can listen to it on your smart phone via the InstaCast app which makes downloading & listening to podcasts a no-fuss, no-cord snap!  I listened to this talk on one commute into work. Dude is hilarious.

So.  How many hours do you sleep each night?  Do you feel like you get enough?  What things do you do to help yourself get to sleep?  Or wake up each morning?  What’s the biggest hindrance to your sleep?

To Stability & Beyond!

:::: Grace

4 thoughts on “The One About the Necessity of Sleep for Stability

  1. I have always had a hard time falling asleep. Insomnia first entered my life in junior high and I’ve been battling it ever since. Several years ago, I put myself on a sleep schedule. It was brutal at first- especially on the weekend! But it really helped regulate things. Now I don’t have to be as vigilant. Every once in awhile, especially if I’m really off my schedule or had an exhilarating night, I’ll take melatonin. I rarely sleep all the way through the night but I do get better quality sleep and don’t take as long to fall asleep when I adhere to the sleep schedule. Sleeping well makes all the difference in the world.

    • My hubby has tried Melatonin, I just may try it some day. but yeah, a good night sleep really does make all the difference!

  2. I never feel like I’ve gotten enough sleep unless I get to bed by 10:00. Even if I get to sleep until noon, I’m cranky if I don’t get to bed at a decent (early) hour.

    • Yeah, the older I get the more I’m realizing how useless I am if I don’t go to bed before 11:30pm-ish. It’s depressing. =)

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