The Stableness Project

Will Work for Stability

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The One About My October Stability Theme ::: Health

october health

I’m focusing the 2nd month of my SP on a leeeeeetle thing like personal health & well being.

I decided to make this a top priority in my SP for a few reasons.  Because I started a new position in July, I’ve had more feelings of overwhelm in the midst of transition.  I’d had 3 months of not working, sleeping in and napping at my leisure.  (It was a hard life).  Additionally, learning A LOT of new things makes me tired and then more overwhelmed.  As a result, I’ve been more tired, more overwhelmed leading to more coping and less of anything healthy.  The 5-7 pounds I’ve gained since I started is just small proof of the underlying problem: being dangerously tired.  Being dangerously tired is being too tired to do things that actually provide rest.

And of course, choosing to be healthy now, today, in this present moment, etc. is of course a foundational piece of procuring stability for oneself is it not?  Not to mention that pursuing physical health is never a regret and often leads to a better quality of life in every aspect.


1.  Working out – 3 x’s a week.  4 x’s if I’m feeling extra motivated.
2.  Continuing on with my September resolution to go to bed earlier & wake up at the same time every day.
3.  Floss every day – I really should be doing this all ready. (womp womp womp)
4. Tracking my daily habits mostly focused on food – A great habit I learned from Weight Watchers.
5.  Juicing 3x’s a week
6.  Strive for 5 – Strive to eat 5 servings of fruit/veggies per day.  This is going to take some planning given that I’m at an office all day every day.

Books for the month:

Spiritual Secrets to Weight Loss, A 50 day Renewal of the Mind, Body & Spirit by Kara Davis, MD

How I Workout, Cook and Eat Healthy in Spite of Being Super Busy by Jennifer Bradbury.


The One about How Important it is to Track

11159_620405971325605_1228911861_nThere’s probably a million studies about tracking actions to get results good enough to make you smize!  I noticed this in my Weight Watcher’s journey.  The weeks I tracked every morsel of food were the ones I made better choices.  I took pride when I saw my charts boast of my correct amount of fresh fruits & I corrected when I noticed -much later-how often I overindulged in copious Oreo’s.

That’s why it’s somewhat frustrating after all I’ve done to get my SP started -creating a new blog, a new header, a new FB group, several new pages, re-reading the books & moderate planning- I’ve yet to make a September resolution chart.  DOH!  I should know better.  Yet, this is a guilt free zone.  My SP will not work if I allow guilt to train wreck it.

Gretchen uses fancy-schmancy charts, but I’m sticking with handwritten charts.  I’m not the one to find myself in Excel unless someone is paying me to be there.

By the by, I’m having a TOUGH time with my 3rd resolution: going to be by 10pm, asleep by 10:30pm.  The last three nights I’ve wrestled with my desire for down time, writing in general, tending to my personal email and tonight I was jonesing for a Breaking Bad episode.  Right now, it’s 10:51pm so yet again, I’m not following through on 1 of only 4 resolutions for this month.

This is good, y’all.  Forcing myself -or at least trying to- follow resolutions will help these deeper issues rise to the surface where they can be addressed.  What, for example, is keeping me from the stability I seek? I know I need more sleep yet I’m fighting it like my 3 yr. old grits his teeth and drags himself to bed.  There’s something for me to learn here.

On the flip side, I have been following my 1st & 2nd resolution to wake up at the same time every day & spend it with the Lord.  It is literally what gets me out of bed.  For the last 6 weeks, I’d been trying to get up earlier by motivating myself with writing time.  It wasn’t enough.  ‘Screw writing,’ I’d think.  Roll over. Drool.  But remembering the sweetness of the Lord’s presence has been enough.  For now.  We’ll see.

Tomorrow, I’ll create my Sept. SP chart.  I’ll  mark those GOLD STARS for a resolution kept alongside those X’s for a broken resolution.  And I’ll remember how important it is to track daily.

As the wise say, the most important things we do with our life are usually not the big choices but the little ones we choose to do every day which have the greatest impact.

To stability & beyond!

:::: Grace

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