The Stableness Project

Will Work for Stability

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The One About My October Stability Theme ::: Health

october health

I’m focusing the 2nd month of my SP on a leeeeeetle thing like personal health & well being.

I decided to make this a top priority in my SP for a few reasons.  Because I started a new position in July, I’ve had more feelings of overwhelm in the midst of transition.  I’d had 3 months of not working, sleeping in and napping at my leisure.  (It was a hard life).  Additionally, learning A LOT of new things makes me tired and then more overwhelmed.  As a result, I’ve been more tired, more overwhelmed leading to more coping and less of anything healthy.  The 5-7 pounds I’ve gained since I started is just small proof of the underlying problem: being dangerously tired.  Being dangerously tired is being too tired to do things that actually provide rest.

And of course, choosing to be healthy now, today, in this present moment, etc. is of course a foundational piece of procuring stability for oneself is it not?  Not to mention that pursuing physical health is never a regret and often leads to a better quality of life in every aspect.


1.  Working out – 3 x’s a week.  4 x’s if I’m feeling extra motivated.
2.  Continuing on with my September resolution to go to bed earlier & wake up at the same time every day.
3.  Floss every day – I really should be doing this all ready. (womp womp womp)
4. Tracking my daily habits mostly focused on food – A great habit I learned from Weight Watchers.
5.  Juicing 3x’s a week
6.  Strive for 5 – Strive to eat 5 servings of fruit/veggies per day.  This is going to take some planning given that I’m at an office all day every day.

Books for the month:

Spiritual Secrets to Weight Loss, A 50 day Renewal of the Mind, Body & Spirit by Kara Davis, MD

How I Workout, Cook and Eat Healthy in Spite of Being Super Busy by Jennifer Bradbury.


The One about my Personal Commandments

Reading The Happiness Project & Happier at Home earlier this year felt like a tall glass of water on dry day in Texas heat after a run wearing a snowsuit.

God has used these non-conventional books to inspire something deep within me that I’ve pushed away for too long.

My first task: create a list of Personal Commandments.

As Gretchen puts it, personal commandments are “a creative way to distill core values,” and something you should look at every day to remind you of how to have your best life.  It took me a few weeks to figure this out, narrow the list & make the graphic but it was well worth it.




1.  Be Grace – A daily reminder to be myself.  It’s okay to like fashion or the kinds of books I like.  In all circumstances, it’s okay to be myself without the constant nag that I should be thinking/feeling/blogging/writing the way someone else does.  Just be Grace.

2. Get outside – I almost never want to (except when by a pool while 80 degrees) but it’s almost always good for me.  No, scratch that.  All right, all ready, it’s ALWAYS good for me to go outside.  Yes, even in the winter. Grrrrrrrrr…

3. Marriage & Kids over Ambition – I’m a creative type, a workaholic & someone who goes for broke.  I lose sight.

4.  Choose the Bigger Life – This is one of Gretchen’s that practically jumped off the page at me.  And then I thought about it for 3 days.  And then I started saying it to myself when I was faced with day-to-day, minute-to-minute decisions.  I simply love this.  Because sometimes the bigger life is getting down on the floor to play Lego’s when you’d rather just get that laundry folded.  And sometimes, people choose -in the moment- to risk their own life to save another.  They chose the bigger life.  I want to live and practice that.

5.  In ALL Circumstances, Gratitude – This one comes straight from the Bible.  And all manner of cheesy Christian worship songs.  Though I often need reminding, it is true. I believe in the gratitude we find redemption.

6.  Nisi Dominus Frustra – Latin for “without the LORD frustration.”  I have this truth tatoo’ed on the back of my neck.  Back in 2008, I was all riled up on dreams, a work promotion and the progress of my book but I wanted to remember that it was all about God, not me, me, me.  Coincidentally, a few years later I saw the same phrase on the seal of the denomination where the hubs & I go to Church.  And oh yes, it’s true.  When I do things my ghetto, gangsta’, ill-advised way – FRUSTRATION.

7.  Seek Inspiration Daily – I tag 90% of my instagram pics #StayInspired.  Seeking out inspiration is seriously, the equivalent of five cups of strong coffee.  But it takes work.  I need to remember how inspiration feeds my weary bones and propels me to selfless giving, caring & creating.

8. Books before Screens – (Unfortunately, this phrase reminds me of “bro’s before hoes.”  I digress)  I LOVE watching T.V. especially Netflix where I can -if possible- gorge myself in a gluttunous feeding frenzy on back-to-back episodes of whatever tickles my fancy.  Problem is, I’m more content when I read.  Reading takes more mental work, but is ultimately, far better for me.  And I never regret reading.

9. Keep the Sabbath – The day is negotiable.  Sunday works the best for me.  Put down the work, be with the kids, read instead, do crafts with the kids.  Don’t clean, try not to cook an elaborate meal.  God says Sabbath was made for us.  Not us for it.  When I started Sabbath-keeping about 8 years ago it changed my life.  I vowed I’d never not do Sabbath.  Yet, I’ve gotten away from my vow.  I’m going back.  Restful peace is mine to behold!

10.  Be Intentional – Intentionality breeds growth, bottom line.

11.  Declutter Often – C’mon have ever seen my house?

12. Be Kind.  Be Grace filled – The way I treat other people matters.  The way I treat myself matters.  If I try to live every day of my life being kind and grace filled to myself and others I cannot imagine how much fruit would come to bear in my life.  Also, the world is dying for this kind of faith.  Genuine kindness.  Genuine Grace.

13.  Love your Body.  Work it out – First and foremost, Grace: You will LOVE your body, just the way it is.  I will love my body.  I will speak highly of it.  I will not trash it.  One tangible way of loving my body both in word and deed is by working that ‘ish out.

14.  Don’t spend frivilously – I’m a typical over spender who needs constant reminders not to overspend or buy things we don’t need.

15.  Cultivate your Inner Circle – Without these people, where would I be?  Like a garden, good friendships need cultivating too.


So.  What do you think of my personal commandments?  It should go without saying, I’m also trying to live by the Biblical 10 Commandments.  Obviously.  =) 

Are you interested in making your own daily & reviewable personal commandments?  If so, hop on over to Gretchen’s blog to learn how to make your own personal commandments.

When I frame them where do you think I should put them?  By my bed (out of sight), in the main bathroom, on my still-messy desk?

To stability & Beyond!

:::: Grace